Dagens låt

My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade

Ny design!

Har gjort en ny design till bloggen. Header fattas det några personer men jag [Natthakan] hinner inte ändra. Jaja, gillar denna mycket mer än den gammla. ;)

My Chemical Romance vs Muse

My Chemical Romance i finalen! Och det är emot Muse de tävlar, så rösta på My Chemical Romance här! RÖSTA PÅ! :D

My Chemical Romance vs 30s2m

Grattis My Chemical Romance som vann omröstningen över över 30 seconds to mars. Vinnarna blev utsedda i morse, i början ledde 30s2m och sedan var det 50/50 men i morse så blev My Chemical Romance utsedda till vinnare då de ledde med 327 röster. :) Nu är My Chemical Romance i MTV's final.

Ray's moment to shine

Ray's moment to shine, kan du se honom?

163 cm

Åhh ibland tycker jag nästan synd om Frankie, han är 163 cm lång, och i deras video till låten Helena, när de bär ut kistan i slutet, så är det knappt att han når upp till kistan, han får låtsas bära den, vilket han själv berättar i deras Video Diary.

Desolation Row

My Chemical Romance - Desolation Row

MTV News' Band Bracketology

My Chemical Romance är med i MTV's tävling, röta på de här! :D

Dagens bild


Hjäääälp grattis så mycket till Frank Iero som väntas få tvillingar tillsammans med sin fru Jamia Nestor. Frank du förtjänar all lycka jag älskar dig världens bästa kompgitarrist grattis!<3

Mikey Speaks

Uppdatering från Mikey på hemsidan!

Greetings Friends!

It's been an awfully long time since last we spoke, and I apologize. To make it up to you, I have many exciting things to share. You have all been so patient, and for that we are eternally grateful.

First things first, here are some new studio shots from our own ace photographer (and soon to be dad!), Frank Iero. We have reached a very exciting final phase of recording and are counting down the seconds to when we can finally share it with you. The album has a name and a voice, although I can't let that rabbit out of the hat just yet. I wish it were humanly possible for us to sit down with all of you and crank up those speakers on launch day.

The newest songs that we have written changed my perception of what a My Chemical Romance song can do. It pushes every envelope and blurs every single line more than anything we have ever done. I am also excited to finally announce that in the very near future, there will be an official home for the MCRMY on the web. We have all gotten a chance to field test the website, and not only is it major fun, but it's also kind of addictive.

In the next few weeks we are also going to start running a series of contests that will be a ton of fun for all of us. I know I have a one or two shirts with my name on them that could use a new home to give up for prizing.

Last but not least, In the newest issue of SPIN magazine, there's an amazing article/cover featuring our fearless leader (and my big
brother) Gerard Way. Iggy has been one of our heroes and inspirations throughout our career and the article is a joy to read.

There are gonna be a great many changes coming to mychemicalromance.com over the next few weeks/months. One day you will wake up, and nothing will ever be the same again, but it'll feel like an old friend. We love you guys more than you'll ever know. Let's talk again soon.


SPIN's 25th Anniversary Issue

Gerard Way som cover på den nya tidningen av SPIN's 25th Anniversary Issue.


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Första Inlägget

Okej första inlägget då. Det här är Klaras blogg, medhjälpare Natthakan, om My Chemical Romance, bandet som jag älskar mest i hela världen typ. ;D Kommer skriva om dem, länka musik och massa annat, så enjoy!
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